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All Policy Documents are PDF format, to read them please download this Adobe Reader Software. 


Acceptable Use Policy


Accessibility Plan


Admissions Policy 24/25


Admissions Policy 25/26


Anti Bullying Policy


Anti Bullying Week 'Top Tips'


Attendance Policy


Attendance and Punctuality Parental Leaflet


Behaviour Policy


Statement of Behaviour Principles


British Values


Bullying and Harassment (Guide for Employees)


Bullying and Harassment (Guide for Managers and Employers)


Charging and Remissions Policy


Child on Child Abuse Policy


Collective Worship Policy


Complaints Policy


Data Retention Schedule


Data Sharing Information


DBS Policy


Educational Visits Policy


Equality Information and Objectives Policy


EYFS Policy


EYFS Statement


Forest School handbook


First Aid and Managing Medicines Policy


GDPR Policy

Privacy Statement


Health and Safety Policy


Homework Policy


Infection, Prevention and Control Policy


Intimate Care Policy


Local Academy Committee Allowances Policy


Looked After Children Policy


Marking and Feedback Policy


Missing Child Policy 


Mobile Phone Usage Policy


Online Safety Policy


Parental Code of Conduct 


Physical intervention Policy


Presentation Policy


Prevent Policy


Privacy Policy - Parental


Privacy Policy - Staff


PSHE and RSE Policy


Recruitment and Selection Policy


RE Policy


Remote Learning Policy


Safeguarding Leaflet


Safeguarding Policy


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy


SMSC Policy


Social Media Policy


Staff Conduct Policy


St Chads Academy Trust Privacy Notice


Volunteer Policy


Uniform Policy


St Chads Whistleblowing Policy


St Chads Complaints Policy






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